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World History...

The following World History content constitutes a year-long survey course for 9th and/or 10th grade students. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Ancient Greece & Rome

  • Protestantism & Reformation

  • Enlightenment & Renaissance

  • Democracy

  • The Age of Exploration

  • The Birth of America

  • Empire Building

  • Global Trade

  • European Absolutism

  • The Scientific Revolution

  • The American & French Revolutions

  • Napoleon's France

  • Industrialization & Industrial-Era Philosophy & Reforms

  • New Inventions

  • Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, & Secret Alliances

  • Fascism & Totalitarianism

  • The World Wars

  • The Final Solution

  • Worldwide Depression

  • Communist Revolutions in Russia & China

  • Postwar Uncertainities

  • The Cold War

  • Wars in Korea & Vietnam

  • Detente

  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union

  • Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America & the Middle East

  • Industrialized World & Developing World

  • Globalization

  • Terrorism & Security


US History Unit 1

World History - Quarter 1 Content

Quarter 1 Content

World History - Quarter 2 Content

Quarter 2 Content

World History - Quarter 3 Content

Quarter 3 Content

World History - Quarter 4 Content

Quarter 4 Content
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