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U.S. History...

Standards Plus History Academy believes US History is much more than a series of facts, figures and dates (or standards) to be memorized and regurgitated on a state test. That is not education, it's simply recitation. It also misses the point. Learning from history means going beyond the obvious, asking questions, questioning the narrative, searching for truth - no matter how politically incorrect and/or inconvenient it might be.


​The most fundamental questions should always be, "why?", "who benefited?", and "who had the power (and motive) to make it happen?" Unfortunately, most high school students today are never asked to get beyond the "what?". Team instruction and common assessments followed by a state test that is based on predetermined state standards have reduced history education to an assembly line-like biosphere of dull-witted zombies - students and teachers alike. No wonder so many people graduate high school complaining that history is irrelevant and boring.  


Barry Jones and Standards Plus History Academy is committed to probing deeper. The following US History resources are intended for 11th and/or 12 grade students and include (but are not limited to) units covering Reconstruction, Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization, the Gilded Age, Progressive Politics, Imperialism, the World Wars, the Roaring 20's, the Great Depression, the New Deal, the 50's, the 60's, the 70's, Civil Rights, the Cold War, the Modern US, and the US Constitution. Also included are deeper dives into the JFK Assassination and the Watergate Scandal. Lastly, Mr. Jones has included a unit of history essays he's authored on random topics. Take a few minutes and look for yourself! 

US History Unit 1

The Rise of Industrialization - Unit 1

    The Progressive Era - Unit 2

    Progessivism Unit 2
      Immerialism & WW I Unit 3

      American Imperialism & WW I - Unit 3

        The Roaring 20's - Unit 4

          The Great Depression & New Deal - Unit 5

            World War II - Unit 6

            Unit 6

            The 50's - Unit 7

              JFK & LBJ Domestic Politics - Unit 8

                Civil Rights - Unit 9

                Civil Rights Unit 9

                  The Cold War - Unit 10

                  Cold War Unit 10

                  The 70's - Unit 11

                    The Modern United States - Unit 12 

                      The JFK Assassination - Unit 13 

                      Constitution Day - Unit 14 

                        Random History Essays - Unit 15 

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